Fair Park Visitor Center Interpretive Film
Managed project and reviewed content for award-winning orientation film, 1986

History Channel special on National Trust for Historic Preservation’s
“Eleven Most Endangered,” Spokesperson for segment on “Fair Park’s Texas Centennial Buildings,” 1994

Wilson Block Historic District Interpretive Film “Echoes”
Researched, reviewed content and managed project for The Meadows Foundation, 1995

HGTV’s “Restore America: Texas”
Spokesperson for preserving Texas neighborhoods, 1999

HGTV’s “Dream Drives” Show #211
Spokesperson for Swiss Avenue Historic District, 2000

History Channel special on National Trust for Historic Preservation’s
“Eleven Most Endangered,” Spokesperson for segment on “Teardowns in Historic Neighborhoods,” 2002

“Queen Anne Style” Producer and Director
Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers (AIVF) PBS Mentorship Program, New York, New York. c.

“Discover Dallas! Survey” short film for Preservation Dallas
produced by Virginia McAlester, 2003

“Frank Welch, Architect” short film for Preservation Dallas
produced and directed by HomeTeam Productions, Virginia McAlester and Steve Clicque, 2006

Source for quotes and background information by writers at the Washington Post,
New York Times, Dallas Morning News and other assorted media for articles
such as: Washington Post (“Recession Should Change Tastes by Elizabeth Razzi12/28/08— on the future of housing); New York Times (“Oversize Mudrooms Tame the Clutter at the Door” by Leslie Kaufman 03/22/07 —on occurrence of mudrooms); New York Times (“The Showpiece and the Shortcut” by Bradford McKee 02/12/04—on reappearance of back stairs)

